The Digital Defence Ecosystem (DDE) is a network of leading Finnish defence and technology companies plus research institutes developing new digital defence solutions to international markets.
Finnish civilian technology start-ups and SMEs are delivering innovations and dual-use solutions that drive the digitalisation of the defence sector. The Digital Defence Ecosystem (DDE) supports Finnish technology companies in entering the competitive and highly regulated global defence market.
We also support Finnish national security by ensuring adequate expertise and production capabilities, safeguarding the defence sector's security of supply in Finland.
We are a link between three worlds: civilian dual-use technology companies, military technology companies, and leading research institutes. Our members collaborate to enable agile product development, New Defence capabilities, export opportunities, and value for the FDF and NATO allies.
Our activities include joint technology development, product and solution development, funding and financing activities, networking, joint export activities, capability development, marketing and events, plus resilience development.
Civilian companies are now at the forefront of developing defence and security technologies. While off-the-shelf solutions used in the civilian sector may not be directly suitable for defence applications, agile experimentation speeds up the production and deployment of battlefield-ready products.
The New Defence phenomenon shares many similarities with New Space, where private companies have shown increased interest in exploring space technology in addition to household names such as ESA and NASA. This offers multiple benefits, as traditional administration-led governmental programmes and government-owned actors are not as fast-paced and innovation-rich as a high number of civilian companies.
Combining the cutting-edge technology of civilian companies with the expertise of the defence industry sets fruitful grounds for the agile discovery of new applications. Essentially, it shifts defence technology development from predeterministic results to evolution through experimentation.
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The ecosystem was founded in 2022 by 16 different defence and security technology companies and research institutions. Since then, 12 new members have joined the network, bringing the total to 28. The ecosystem is actively scouting new appropriate member companies.
The global security environment is in a turbulent state and is changing rapidly. Finland is now a member of NATO, which increases the opportunities for export and cooperation.
The cooperation of civilian and defence technology companies in an ecosystem setting creates opportunities for agile product development and testing.
The network supports civilian and dual-use companies to enter the highly regulated defence material markets and thereby improves SMEs chances to succeed in international competition.
As military technology is getting more and more digitalized and civilian technology solutions are integrated into all parts of warfare, cooperation between civilian and military actors is more important than ever.
The ecosystem is coordinated by XD Solutions. XD Solutions is a programme management company having expertise in technologies needed in complex defence systems.